Dec 23 2010 2:36 AM
I just finished “Catcher in the Rye”, it wasn’t great. It wasn’t bad either. I just think it’s a bit over rated is all. There wasn’t really any plot (of course I’m the one to talk), I kept waiting for the protagonist’s problem, or I guess crisis you’d call it. When really he was just miserable person, and honestly I think it could’ve displayed better than it was. I kept waiting for the story to start and then all of the sudden it was over.
I really want to do something. I am almost tempted to put with my life at the end of that statement. I almost want to save up (X) amount of dollars and do something insane, just get up and go. Just leave. Only for a few months, a few weeks even. Clear my head. Maybe bring someone with me. Just do something crazy and spontaneous. I wouldn’t even tell anyone for the first couple of days, tell them I’m visiting a friend and will be home in a day or two, then call back that night from god knows where, saying that I won’t be home until I have no idea when. Explore or something you know?
Dec 23 2010 4:20 AM
High speed internet = no sleep. It's very strange to have breakfast and then go to bed, only to wake up and have supper almost immediately after... and then shower(you know, cause It's already dark and I can still do stuff till everything closes in 4 hours) I don't remember when I last saw the sun. Seriously with high speed internet, I can surf for hours at a time, come across something vaguely interesting and then research it at will, and continue until I need to sleep.
Dec 25 2010 12:58 AM
Merry Christmas.
"So it looks like our best chance is over the bridge and through the woods"
"Are we going to grandma's house?"
"Shut up Pvt. Hansel this is serious... ok now we have to meet up with Pig Squad and help the reinforce what's left of the brick house, but we gotta make sure Wolf squad doesn't try to flank us"
"Who made up these names, Major... Goldilocks?"
"Shut up, it was Captain Gingerbread's idea"
And Now it'll be slower as I've caught up with my most recent entry.
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