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Sunday, March 13, 2011

"Did I let you down to get that sound, And break my knees to get release"

Why do we need epiphanies? Why isn't our life just acceptable from the get go. Stupid epiphanies. It's never something easy to implement either, no one ever goes "Oh thank god I've realized the error of my ways, I'll never wear florescent pink ever again". It usually somewhere along the line of "I probably shouldn't be breathing as often as I do" on the difficulty scale.

 I thought more about my situation in life. I only have one life. I might as well go after what I want. Which means, despite the bro code, the screaming instincts, the warning lights going off in my head, and everything else. I am going to consider if I want her who here forth and retroactively shall be known as Maddy.

Things to consider are, we were getting to be pretty good friends before she left for Mexico. She is in a long term relationship, and I'd hate to be that guy. Just because she's the first person I've felt like this for, doesn't mean she will be the last. She is leaving for college that's way out of town in September. Well I guess I kind of answered my own question, I'll keep what I've got.

If however she does break up with her boyfriend before September, I'll definitely let her know how I feel. There epiphany sated.

Next on the agenda is the girl I mention last night, and (thank god I didn't) almost messaged. Her name is Sarah. Anyway, I looked online about how to ask a girl out on facebook (yea I know it's pathetic). Anyway they suggested using the chat function if you don't know the person, then pretend that you sent them a message by mistake, and from there strike up a conversation, and if it's a good conversation ask for their number and/or a date. Which seems like a pretty solid plan. Now to increase my odds, I am waiting a day or two, to see when she is mostly likely to log into facebook, and stay on for increased periods of time.

Ok there, I was able to set aside my feelings for a girl I love, and make a rational decision, and from there have made a plan to ask another girl I've never met out. All without to much effort/stress.

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