Troublemaker - Weezer
Music news:
Rise Against has a new album (End Game) and its out!! If you haven't listened to them I would recommend them. I like every single song they've done, so yea check em out!
Work is going better now that we're actually doing some freakin work. Not just sitting listening to a boring speaker. I've talked to a lot of people in my training group, and have a few prospects to hit on.
List goes form the person I am least interested in to the one I am most interested in.
Jaclyn - Has a boyfriend, but I got the vibe that she's not too attached.
Ryleigh - Has a boyfriend as I just confirmed using facebook, but is also really hot, and who knows? It doesn't hurt to make a new friend.... and maybe wait out the relationship.
Steffany - Haven't talked to her much, and I think she's the only one who might actually be single.
????? - For fuck sakes, I forgot her name, which is retarded because she sits next to me and I talk to her all the time. Anyway she mentioned a boyfriend, but then she mentioned an ex, which might mean she's single I don't know. Anyway she's cute and she talks to me, and in the end... isn't that what we all want?
After this I got nothing, I can't wait for college to meet new people! My goal is to at the very least, get some kind of relationship before mid May. Must not... Be... Single... For three... Straight... Years...
But yea sleep is coming slightly easier now, that I have a job and am always tired. Things are on the up.
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